Saturday, January 17, 2009

A Short Video on Climate Change

As the anti-science voices seem to yell louder and louder each day, common sense still exposes its head every once in a while. This is a video on Christopher Hitchen's views on climate change.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

But Will Gottfried Be There?

Comedy Central, that bastion of all things funny announced recently that they would be roasting Larry the Cable Guy, more than likely in between three hour marathons of Scrubs.

Great. Another no-talent hack gets hoisted and bronzed because he sold a couple thousand CDs. But worries me about this man is more than his complete lack of talent and humor. Its the fact that he's the harbinger of all things that are wrong with America.

He's the poster boy for people who believe that being unpolitically correct means that same as being bigoted.

To many people being un-pc is to use black instead of the term African American.

What's Larry's version?

"First these peckerheads fly planes into towers and now theys (sic) prayin' before conventions! People say not all of em did that and I say who gives a rats fat ass! That's a fricken slap in the face to New York city by having some muslim sum-bitch give the invocation at the republican convention! This country pretty much bans the Christian religion (the religion of George Washington and John Wayne) virtually from anything public and then they got us watchin' this muslim BS!! Ya wanna pray to allah then drag yer flea infested ass over to where they pray to allah at!"

Hilarious, right? Yeah, Larry. Way to stick it to those elitist tolerance-hounds. Way to tell it like it is.

Wait 'til you hear how I feel about them Jews!

But Larry also has a skeleton in his closet that most people are unaware of.

Let's guess where Larry's from, shall we?

A. Alabama
B. Mississippi
C. Southern Georgia
D. Nebraska

Yep, Larry's from one of the only states where an accent is hard to acquire. Apparently, he can drop in and out of the accent at will and he "Larrys" his speech and writing by using incorrect grammar.

I wonder if his fans know. I wonder if Foxworthy knows.

So sad I was when I found out that the Comedy Central Roast didn't include an actual pit of fire.

Friday, January 9, 2009

All You Need is Hope (And $300 If You're So Kind)

About a week from the inauguration and Obama and company are still trying to hit me up for money. I believed in the campaign and I voted for the guy but that doesn't mean I need 8 e-mails a day telling me that the inauguration is supported by the little guys like me.

Great, awesome, wonderful. But the little guys like me also use their e-mail for other things like holding spam and confirming memberships to useless websites. And I'm sure David Plouffe (the campaign manager) is a nice guy but right after I get an e-mail from "Obama", I get one from him reiterating the same message, like a second crackhead landlord begging for the rent.

You won. The campaign's over. The cabinet's (mostly) picked. Instead of begging, do what you were elected to do and turn a whole generation of young people into cynics.